Primary Care

At Tribeca Adolescent & Young Adult Medicine, personalized primary care and preventive health services are offered in a concierge setting.

  • Health Maintenance & Preventive Screening

  • Health Examinations and Medical Forms

  • Immunizations

  • Medical Care for Chronic Conditions

  • Urgent Care for Acute Illnesses


The most effective way to stay healthy is to prevent yourself from getting sick!

Dr. Fridy recommends that every patient have a preventive health visit once per year, at which she performs a comprehensive physical exam and reviews your current health status, both physical and emotional. Dr. Fridy will be sure to keep you up-to-date with preventive health services recommended for your age, which may include immunizations and recommended screening tests. Dr. Fridy always makes herself available to complete health forms and write medical letters as needed for school, work, camp, travel and other indications. Moreover, she will return the forms to you promptly without hassle.

Patients with chronic medical conditions may find great comfort and benefit in Tribeca Adolescent & Young Adult Medicine’s concierge model, which is based on the principle that every patient should receive extremely personalized, top-of-the-line, around-the-clock care. Contrary to standard medical practice models, the concierge practice model that Dr. Fridy is passionately committed to ensures that she can devote the time and energy to understand the complexity of your health conditions. And when necessary, Dr. Fridy can call upon her extensive network of professional colleagues to provide even more comprehensive, collaborative care.

Dr. Fridy is also available to provide urgent care for acute medical illnesses, but without the added stress of having to see an unfamiliar doctor or the aggravation of sitting in a waiting room filled with other sick patients. In fact, Tribeca Adolescent & Young Adult Medicine’s practice model allows patients to be seen conveniently and efficiently by Dr. Fridy herself, who is able to provide rapid screening tests and thorough physical examinations for a wide range of urgent medical conditions. Click HERE for more information about urgent care services available at Tribeca Adolescent & Young Adult Medicine.